Find God in Midst of War

last mass viewed outside

the church bell by 3 pm

Sta. Teresa de Avila Church is in Jose Rizal Street, Poblacion.  It was built in 1836.  Even though revolutions and the World War II took place, it is still standing.  Slight damage in the establishment is always restored, in a way that it still preserves its grandest architecture and historical records.

This year, the church grounds was improved to create a parking lot. This helps us to enjoy more of our frisbee games, badminton and even jogging.  The ambiance is just so peaceful, free-accessed and relaxing that I wondered if it's possible to bring and tie my own hammock and sleep there until my heart drowns!  Oh, and I forgot!  Mahogany trees and bougainvillea are just everywhere.  There is also a big, well-roofed area for activities like taebo, skateboarding, bike stunts and P.E. activities of TCC (Talisay City College) students.  It is also surrounded by schools and carenderias (eateries) ready to serve church goers.

Masses and celebrations I often attend are held here.  As I observed inside, it seems to be a replica Sto. Nino Church in Cebu City, providing the feeling of how does it feels like to be a Talisaynon. The magnificent paintings and symbols of saints and our God amazed me that much.  Way back my 6th grade, I honestly imagined I was the main character of an action film shooted here--daydreaming I was Angelina hanging above the big, golden chandelier that lights the faces of Roman Catholics and shooting my chasing enemies.  Foo! I should've listen to the priest's sermons solemnly.  I said to myself, "This is a church Lace; don't bring your mind to violence.  You're here to pray."

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